Welcome to our Brands

Our story is about how a minor player within a niche of the health care sector in Denmark became the largest independent provider of vaccinations in Europe. We are still operating in the niche of specialty vaccines, but over the years, we have expanded our activities and targeted new countries and markets in Europe. Also, we have added more services to our product range. To make it possible, we have joined forces with other brands – all sharing the same goal of providing forthcoming health care services and preventing disease through easy access to vaccinations and health care advice.

Our Danish Brands

Danske Lægers Vaccinations Service (Danish General Practitioners Vaccination Service or DLVS) was established in 1998. Today, the company employs approximately 350 doctors and nurses in charge of vaccinations.

All employees take pride in delivering caring and qualified service tailored to each individual client. The booking process is fast. Long opening hours and more than 44 clinics throughout Denmark make it easy to get an appointment at a clinic nearby. 

As well as providing vaccinations to individuals, DLVS also cooperates with private companies for flu vaccination programmes – and with travel agencies to ensure that travellers are protected and vaccinated before their journeys. Throughout the years, DLVS has been a trusted partner to NHS and been supporting during pandemics like Covid-19, Avian and swine flu.

Blivvaccineret.dk (Get Vaccinated) a Danish chain of vaccination clinics offering a wide variety of vaccinations. The chain became part of European LifeCare Group in April 2019. 

The clinics of Blivvaccineret.dk are very well located in Copenhagen and Aarhus, attracting many clients all year round. It fits perfectly in the group’s overall mission to make vaccination easily accessible to everyone. 

The staff of nurses put a virtue in professionalism along with personal service and advice.

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Largest independent provider of vaccinations in Denmark

With a consistent focus on excellent service and tailored solutions by professional health staff, our Danish brands has grown into strong and trusted brands


Danes have been vaccinated by us


years as trusted partner to NHS DK


nationwide flagship clinics


flu vaccinations in 2023

Our BtC Brands in the UK

CityDoc became part of European LifeCare Group in 2019. With more than 110 clinics spread across the UK and competitive pricing, CityDoc is supporting our overall vision to make vaccination and healthcare easily accessible to everyone. The extended network of flagship clinics and CityDoc In-pharmacy clinics allows CityDoc to provide a wide range of same-day and weekend appointments across the UK for vaccinations and other health care services. 

The chain is also an expert at delivering mass vaccination services to the public, always with patient care in focus. 

Besides its services to private consumers, CityDoc partners with organizations to provide corporate flu solutions and occupational health services.

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With many years of experience in travel healthcare, London Travel Clinic is contributing to European LifeCare Group’s vision of convenient, best-in-class service to all clients. 

The clinics stock a comprehensive range of vaccines to cover different needs. Located in the capital, it is easy to reach a clinic and book an appointment with a nurse in any of the London travel vaccination clinics. At each consultation, the highly skilled nurse will provide bespoke services with advice to fit individual needs. 

Besides vaccinations and expert travel advice, London Travel Clinic is specialising in other areas of health care, including medication, blood testing and sexual health screenings.

First choice for travel and health needs

As preferred choice for travel vaccines, sexual healthcare and allergy testing, our brands in the UK have established themselves as well-known leaders in health and vaccination services


vaccines yearly to patients in the UK


nationwide flagship and
in-pharmacy clinics


yearly web visitors

Our BtG Brand in the UK
In having Vaccination UK as part of European LifeCare Group our focus has been extended to include school vaccination programs. Since 2015, Vaccination UK has been commissioned by NHS to provide school-aged immunisations, including Influenza, to pupils across England.
By the end of 2023, Vaccination UK vaccinated more than 1.25 million children across England against flu. On top of that comes immunisations for pupils, administered by specially trained staff to ensure the safest and most efficient service to the young clients.

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A trusted partner of NHS England

Covering the niche of school-aged immunisations, including flu has made Vaccination UK a trusted partner of NHS


pupils vaccinated in academic year 22/23


years as trusted partner
for NHS


school children have been offered vaccines by us


sessions delivered in schools

Our Brands in the NL

Since 2001, PreventVaccins B.V. (PV) has been a trusted and recognised partner in vaccinations and blood tests in the Netherlands. The company’s core service is vaccinating Dutch students (HBO and MBO) and vaccinating employees of businesses in our mobile vaccination clinics, as well as vaccinating employees of companies in the field. PreventVaccines also provides specialty vaccination programs for high-risk professions such as dentists and other specialists.  Corporate flu programmes also form part of the services we offer to companies across the Netherlands.

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Vaccinaties Op Reis, an LCR-registered vaccination centre, has been providing expert travel advice and essential vaccinations since 2001. With 25 branches across the Netherlands, we are one of the largest providers of travel health services in the country. Each year, we administer over 75,000 vaccinations to help travellers maintain their health. In addition to vaccinations, we offer prescriptions for malaria and altitude sickness medications through our pharmacy partner, ensuring comprehensive care for all your travel needs.

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Esteemed provider of vaccinations and blood testing in the Netherlands

Our brands in the Netherlands have become renowned providers in travel & health vaccination and blood testing services.


Dutch vaccinated


nationwide flagship clinics


students vaccinated each year

Our clinics

European LifeCare Group operates a chain of 81 flagship clinics in Denmark, UK and the Netherlands. And in addition to that, thousands of mobile vaccination clinics.

All our 47 clinics in Denmark are under supervision of the Danish Health Authority with regular inspection.

In the UK our 10 flagship clinics are located in London, Sussex, Ashford, Southampton and Winchester. Then we have 130+ CityDoc In-pharmacy clinics across the United Kingdom, including Scotland and Wales, providing easy access to our healthcare and vaccination services across the UK. All our clinics in the UK are approved by the Care Quality Commission.

In the Netherlands our 25 flagship clinics are located across the country and are under the supervision of LCR.

Our Clients
Most of the people who visit our clinics are private individuals who seek travel advice and vaccinations for international travel. We also service customers seeking specialty vaccinations, including influenza, meningitis, human papilloma virus (HPV), and private blood testing for health and wellbeing.

Our Wish
It is our wish to expand our portfolio of clinics organically and by acquisition to make access to vaccination easier.

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